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Grundy County Schools

Human Resources

Human Resources

Meredith Maxey

Meredith Maxey

Human Resource Director

(931) 692-3467 Extension 112


Our mission at the Grundy County Board of Education is to attract, retain, and reward the most effective teachers, principals, and central office staff who are dedicated to providing a world-class education that prepares students for success. This website is designed to inform you about the services provided by our department and to offer instructions on how to become an employee with the Grundy County School System. Whether you are a job applicant, a new or existing employee, or an administrator, you will find helpful information on this site. Our goal is to provide you with accurate, timely, and valuable information, services, and resources to assist you in your career with the Grundy County Board of Education. The Human Resources department is responsible for supporting employees throughout their careers. This includes: - Recruiting talent for all departments and career levels - Assisting departments and schools in the hiring of new employees - Coordinating non-instructional employee performance evaluations and support plans - Maintaining employee records, providing employment verification, student loan discounts, and other critical transactions - Managing employee leaves of absence - Tracking and reporting teacher licensure


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the Human Resources Department.


Current Job Openings